Our aim is to provide the highest standards of care and service to our residents. To ensure that the service we provide matches your needs and expectations, we welcome any comments you may care to make.
We recognise that there may be times when we fail to match our and your expectations. If this happens, we will try to resolve any concerns you may have as soon as possible.
Often people feel happier about making a suggestion for improvement rather than entering in to a more formal complaint. Anyone receiving services and their friends and family may make a suggestion at any time. Our Registered Managers, Hannah Yu and Arlene Pajarillo are always happy to discuss any comments, concerns or other feedback. However, we also have a Comments/Suggestion box which you can also use. This can be found in the reception area and any comments/suggestions can be left anonymously. If you do choose to provide your contact details, we will contact you to the extent any action is necessary.
The Airedale assures you that residents and their families will not have their services withdrawn/reduced for making a complaint in good faith. However, if you wish to make a complaint at any time, the following outlines the action you should take and how we will respond. A complaint may be made orally, in writing or by email to the Registered Managers (Hannah Yu and Arlene Pajarillo).
If possible please discuss the problem with one of our Registered Managers who will do their best to resolve the problem immediately. In their absence, please approach the senior staff member on duty, or put your complaint in writing to:
The Airedale Nursing Home
44 Park Avenue
MK40 2NF
or e-mail to office@airedalenursing.co.uk
Following the submission of a complaint: